Honeygain Making Money | Is it true that you can earn money by just having your computer on? Is Honeygain safe? Is it a scam? Learn how to make money with your computer

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Honeygain was recommended to me by a friend earlier. It’s a software that allows you to earn money online effortlessly. You don’t have to do anything actively – no clicking on ads, no watching videos. You just need to keep the software running. So, during work hours, I simply open the program, and after work, it’s up to you whether to shut down the computer. There’s no significant increase in electricity costs since the computer is already on. It’s a case of small gains adding up! Anyway, the computer is already running, so running one more software doesn’t make much of a difference!

What is Honeygain? Is it safe?

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

Some people wonder if this could be a scam. How is it possible that something so good, earning money by simply having the internet on, could be true? So, Travel Coffee decided to put it to the test. From registration to keeping the network on to finally cashing out, it actually worked! So, this is not a scam!

Honeygain, explained in Chinese as ‘蜜蜂採集’ (meaning ‘Bee Gathering’), is the first-ever application that allows users to earn money online by sharing their internet connection. Unlock the full potential of your network by receiving payments in either USD or cryptocurrency!


Of course, if your computer contains highly sensitive information, I wouldn’t recommend using it!

The currently available software versions include five types:

How to useHoneygain?

Step One | Register as a HoneygainMember

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

Now, by using Travel Coffee’s referral link to register, you can instantly receive $5US. Click ‘Register’ to claim $5. Sign up now.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

You can register by directly entering your email, or alternatively, you can use Facebook or Google for authentication during the registration process.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

After registering, you can go to your registered email to receive the verification email. Once you receive the verification email, simply click ‘Confirm email’ to complete the process.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

When you log into the Honeygain system, you’ll see a menu on the left-hand side with options such as Overview, Statistics, Transaction History, Referrals, and Achievements. Feel free to click on each to explore and learn more!

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

Usually, in the Overview section, you can see all the data. The accumulated data is represented by little bees running. Besides accumulating in USD, you can also transfer to the JumpTask wallet, with an additional +10% bonus. However, Travel Coffee currently focuses on accumulating in USD, as it seems more practical. After all, I haven’t been investing in cryptocurrencies, so I haven’t used the JumpTask wallet later on.

With Honeygain, you can withdraw as soon as you accumulate $20. It’s recommended to continue accumulating a bit more before withdrawing for a more practical approach, as there will be transaction fees deducted regardless of how you withdraw.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

Additionally, accumulating a certain amount of data each day allows you to open the Lucky Pot, offering the chance to receive additional rewards! The exact amount is uncertain, though!

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

This time, I only managed to draw a 2; it’s indeed quite rare.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

I even drew a 100 before! It’s really unpredictable. As long as you accumulate each day, you get a chance to draw!

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

On the right-hand side, there’s an achievement system. You can earn additional amounts by completing the system requirements! It’s similar to the achievement page on the left.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

In the statistics section, you can find more detailed numbers.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

The transaction history page shows the records of earnings and expenditures. Once you accumulate $20US, you can withdraw it. So, you can see my Payouts for withdrawal records!

Step Two | Download the App

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

The currently available software versions include five types:

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

After installation, the little bee can reside on your computer. It runs automatically whenever you start your computer!

Step Three | Withdrawing Funds (from Honeygain to PayPal)

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

If it’s your first withdrawal, the system will require you to register on Tipalti. This registration is for identity verification. Travel Coffee has already registered, and it typically involves providing some basic information. Since I withdrew to PayPal, remember that you also need to have a PayPal account registered to receive the funds.

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

You’ll need to fill in information such as email, phone number, name, address, and other details。

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

Most importantly, the email you enter here should be the one registered with PayPal for receiving payments!!! Also, ensure that the name matches the one registered on PayPal, so you can successfully receive the funds!

Honeygain, Earn Money Online, Make Money with Computer, Honeygain Payout, Network Earning

In the Payment History, you can view detailed information about the withdrawal, such as receiving $20.11US, deducting some fees, and resulting in a final amount of $17.71US. This amount will be transferred to your PayPal account when the withdrawal is processed.

Download Honeygain to start earning money!

Interested individuals can register and download here. Registering now using the link can get you $5US! It’s really more lucrative than before~!

Click ‘Register to claim $5’ to sign up instantly.


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